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212 S. m. 56 Farb- u. 22 s-w-Abb., 12 Zeichn. u. 6 Karten, 17 x 24 cm, geb

ISBN 978-3-496-01381-5

49,00 € [D]

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María Román Navarro

The Rise of Bizen ceramics in the Momoyama period 1573 - 1615

From household wares to tea utensils

Sofort lieferbar. Erschienen September 2008

This research shows through the study of ceramics from the Bizen kilns that aesthetization processes of ceramic took place in Japan back in the Momoyama period (1573-1615) in the context of the tea ceremony. Such process is explained socio-historically through the political relevance of the Bizen daimyo.

Keramik aus Bizen-Öfen (Momoyama Zeit, 1573 1615) fanden hauptsächlich in der Teezeremonie Verwendung. Sie zeigt den Beginn einer Ästhetisierung von Keramik. Die Aufwertung von Gebrauchsgegenständen zu künstlerischen Objekten kann sozialgeschichtlich auf die politische Bedeutung der Bizen daimyo (lokale Fürsten) zurückgeführt werden.

Bizen ceramics were, together with Shigaraki wares, the first Japanese ceramics to be introduced in the tea ceremony in Momoyama period (1573–1615) Japan. This implied an aesthetization as well as a revaluation of Bizen ceramics from household wares to tea utensils. This book describes this transition in light of the political relevance of the province daimyo in Bizen.


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