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192 S. m. 74 sw-Abb., 17x24 cm, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-496-01451-5


49,00 € [D]

Alexander Hofmann

Performing - Painting in Tokugawa/Japan

Sofort lieferbar. Erschienen August 2011

This pioneering study (takes as its topic) focuses on painting as performance in Japan between the 16th and 19th centuries. It offers an analysis of the various socio-economic settings and functions of this artistic practice, from elite entertainments, expressions of community and alternative artistic identities to public relations events.

Diese Studie thematisiert erstmals die Praxis des Malens als Performance im Japan des 16.–19. Jahrhunderts. Unterschiedliche soziale und ökonomische Funktionen wie die Unterhaltung von Eliten, der Ausdruck von Identitäten oder die Vermarktung der Bildproduktion spiegeln den Wandel im Verhältnis von Maler und Publikum.

Hofmann draws on and brings together various strands in the last several centuries of Japanese painting, creating a unified narrative.
[Monumenta Nipponica]

The lives and careers of individual artists working in a historical moment during which artistic individuality came to be celebrated will continue to exert a powerful pull on the study of painting during the Edo peace, but these two probing books will undoubtedly enliven the discourse with their arguments for the signifance of theory, material, and method.
[Matthew P. McKelway, The Art Bulletin]  


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