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XLI und 445 S. mit 3 sw-Abb.
17 x 24 cm, Ln

ISBN 978-3-496-02772-0

78,00 € [D]

Gábor Takács

Comparative Dictionary of the Angas-Sura Languages

Sprache und Oralität in Afrika
Band 23
Vergriffen. Erschienen 2004

The volume presents the first as complete as possible A to Z comparative dictionary of one of the some 25 Chadic groups.

The comparative-historical linguistic analysis discusses both the lexical roots and the grammatical morphemes of the Angas-Sura language group (Northern Nigeria). The reconstruction of the underlying Angas-Sura proto-language is based on the elaboration of the regular phonetic correspondences of the individual daughter languages, which are discussed in the introductory part of the volume. The material can contribute to the research on common Chadic as well as to Semito-Hamitic lexical comparison.

The compilation of this Angas-Sura dictionary is an endeavour of the greatest importance for the comparative studies of Chadic languages. Some twenty-five other grouops are still waiting for similar treatment before a more reliable classification of the Chadic languages can be proposed.
[Stanislaw Pilaszewicz, Afrika und Übersee]